File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2004/habermas.0403, message 23

Subject: Re: [HAB:] Being-in-the-World [Ali]
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 23:37:32 +0000


thanks for the clarification. OTOH, Bernstein *may be* is writing with a 
little bit too much flourish :-). OTOH, I have regularly suggested that 
despite Habermas's overt antagonism towards Heidegger I think there are 
Heideggerian pre-occupations that persist in Habermas's work.

After all, if you read Matustik's excellent philosophical biography and the 
interviews with Habermas in _A&S_, it is clear that onto-existential themes 
shaped aspects of Habermas's earlier philosophical interests.

So, a dialogical-being-in-the-world! Yes, I'm not unhappy with the idea of 
an intersubjectively constructed framework of onto-existential being... 
sounds like pragmatism to me :-) and sure beats a lot of the dialectical 
scholasticism of C19th philosophy of consciousness.... and Heidegger's 
metaphysics unless one wishes to ascribe some sort of mystical content to 
the WORD.

This has always been my main problem with Habermas: what I take to be the 
incongruity between the transcendental aspects of his semantic theory (yuk) 
and his grounded, postmetaphysical pragmatism (beautiful). Still, if his 
transcendentalism is placed within the framework of his critical social 
theory and in particular his engagement with the neo-Nietzscheans (as i do 
in my thesis!) (c.f. Aboulafia's excellent introduction to the _Pragmatism_ 
collection) then i think the incongruity of Habermas's 
quasi-transcendentalism is diminished.


>From: "Ali Rizvi" <>
>Reply-To: habermas-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU
>To: habermas-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU
>Subject: Re: [HAB:] detranscendantalization [Matt]
>Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 03:28:33 +0000
>The point about individuation through sociation or socialisation is clear. 
>As far back as in his afterwards to Knowledge and Human Interest in reply 
>to Bubner's objection that intersubjectivity was merely subjectivity writ 
>large he said pretty similar things.
>What was radical in Bernstein is saying this in conjunction with the notion 
>of "our dialogical being in the world". The question then becomes 
>transformed from merely epistemological one (KHI?) to sociological one 
>(TCA) to ontological one (in and around and post BFN??).
>I do not say that Bernstein’s interpretation is TOO radical simply because 
>there is no follow up (or I do not know if there is one). McCarthy and 
>Kenneth Baynes and other pro-Hegelian interpreters of Habermas have said 
>similar things. Perhaps Bernstein stands out among all because he is more 
>'naive' [and I am saying this as praise!!].
>Best Regards
>----Original Message Follows----
>From: "matthew piscioneri" <>
>Reply-To: habermas-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU
>To: habermas-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU
>Subject: Re: [HAB:] detranscendantalization
>Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 01:30:36 +0000
>I don't take Bernstein's comments as TOO radical an interpretation of 
>Habermas's position. He is probably working with a fairly broad 
>understanding of *communicative action*; more a generalized, lifeworldly 
>one rather than a specific situated event-type conception.
>In _PMT_ (I think...) Habermas's discussion of Mead focuses on the issue of 
>individualization via socialization and I think this is the type of 
>Habermas which Bernstein is referring to.
>best regards,
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