File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2004/habermas.0403, message 32

Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 15:30:47 +0100
Subject: Re: [HAB:] detranscendantalization

Hello listmembers,

I need your help. Can you draw my attention to passages where Habermas
captures his overall position in a pithy sentence or two.

I would prefer stuff from his mature work.

Everyone quotes K&HI
'What raises us out of nature, is the only thing whose nature we can know:
language. Through its structure autonomy and responsibility are poited
for us.'  It's pithy. But its also quite wrong.

The best thing I have found so far is
> If there is any small remnant of utopia that I've preserved,
>  then it is surely the idea that democracy - and its public
>  struggle for its best form - is capable of hacking through
>  the Gordian knots of otherwise insoluble problems.
>  I'm not saying we're going to succeed in this;
>  we don't even know whether success is possible.
>  But because we don't know we still have to try.

All suggestions welcome.

Best regards,

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