File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2004/habermas.0407, message 15

Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2004 14:16:17 EDT
Subject: Re: [HAB:]  No ask-No answer 

In a message dated 7/8/2004 11:50:19 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Who does  dare to think of the pathologies of the capitalist society, today?

Who  does dare to think with habermasians categories if the current régime  of
USA it is Fascist?

Raul,  Habermas wrote Legitimation Crisis in 1973.  In order for  the 
capitalist order and the US government to continue to defend its legitimacy,  it must 
abide by the rule of law.  Exceptions to constitutional democracy  or 
normative violations and illegitimate norms are worked through within the  
constraints of governmental bodies as well as through public discourse, e.g.  
journalism.  Fascism is condemnable.  The West is a social system  whose imperatives are 
nonpolitical, prepolitical, and practical.   Politicization and violence are 
forms of distorted communication which  Habermas's works attempt to address.  
Rule following and fairness  are normative in spite of the excess of 
violations.  However, in my  experience these violations are more often practices and 
not rules of law.   Getting everyone to abide without creating violence by or 
from the state marks  the degree of legitimacy of the state and system.  This 
is primarily  accomplished through mechanisms of reaching agreement as 
expounded in Habermas's  Theory of Communication Action.
Fred Welfare

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