File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2004/habermas.0407, message 25

Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 01:41:33 EDT
Subject: Re: [HAB:] Re: Rafe, re An answer to "No ask-No answer"

In a message dated 7/11/2004 2:09:54 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

hierarchical or vertical coordination: academic
lifeworld vs mundane  lifeworld---from higher education
through general public education and  organizational
learning to promotion of society as learning
environment  for lifelong learning that fosters the
learning society that supports  organizational learning
and general education whose evolving ideals and  needs
inform academic research. 

We must address problem-solving processes paprticularly conflict resolution  
procedures and mechanisms.  One serious problem with the Habermasian  project 
is the effect of the linguistic turn.  This project appears to  occur only 
within the symbolic realm, the Logos, and its transposition, however  
presupposed, into politics, that is, into the realm of the power of ideas, of  the 
imaginary, has been suppressed by the criticism of the psychology or  consciousness 
of the subject.  So, we are in effect, simply remsoving the  issue from 
verbalizable or evidentiary processes into socioemotional and  individualized 
anti-commmunicative processes, particularly interpersonal  conflict.  We must be 
able to access the conflict resolving power of  communicative action to address 
problems with ideas and power.
Fred Welfare

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