File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2004/habermas.0407, message 29

Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 18:55:51 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [HAB:] re: dialectical therapy

Maybe it wasn't a University of Ulm (Is there such a
place?), but Münich. The following is from "A Little
More on Disclosure" (9803.78)

In a programmatic essay, “Toward a Theory of
Communicative Competence,” in _Recent Sociology 2_,
Hans-Peter Drietzel, ed., New York: Anchor, 1971,
Habermas attempts to apply speech act theory to the
therapeutic scene. Though he didn’t choose to pursue
this model further (for reasons I will guess below),
some German psychoanalytical theorists have attempted
to develop this model in some detail, with Habermas in
mind. As I mentioned in a posting last October, an
example, from researchers at the University of Münich,
is _Psychoanalytic Practice_, 2 vols. Helmut Thomae
and Horst Kaechele, New York: J.Aronson Publishers,
1987. One volume is theoretical; the other is a report
of clinical and experimental research. 


But the hallmark of Habermas’ concern for internality,
I think, is his model of reflection as an
internalization of dialogue roles. The profound
implications of this is that precisely *in* discourse
about communicative action and argument, one is also
modeling, to some significant degree, the dynamic of
thinking, *insofar* as thinking (or deliberation)
*can* be modeled in accord with discourse. One does
not have to claim that thinking can be fully
comprehended as virtual dialogue (for, to me, its
mirrorplay is surely, at heart, *not* primordially
dialogal) in order to still gain great insight into,
first, essential features of reflection / thinking /
deliberation and, second, the place that 
communicative action (and, ideally, discourse) can
have in the growth of thinking and deliberative
action, by dwelling with the theory of communicative
action and discourse ethics. As far as public life
goes, *only* that thinking which can be
communicatively organized can possibly have
significance for others. 


By the way, it's not my intent to start reposting
massively from my earlier postings. 


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