File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2004/habermas.0407, message 32

Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2004 01:08:34 EDT
Subject: Re: [HAB:] The good of dialectical therapy

In a message dated 7/17/2004 8:38:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Healthy  human development and human reality generally
can’t be comprehended  dialectically. 

Habermas does emphasize the development of self-understanding, individually  
and as a group, and learning processes.  There are few researches on  
development across the life-span, but Daniel Levinson's, 'Seasons of a Man's  Life' 
does seem to indicate that the transitions between stages are  necessary.  In my 
view, these transitions are not easily negotiated and  seem dialectical in 
the sense that changing circumstances as well as conflicted  values must be 
adjusted to and decided upon.  Also, the bifurcations of our  nature and our 
social contexts seem to take up a dialectical perspective  readily.  I would not 
characterize this dialectical quality through any one  particular theory, say 
Hegel or Adorno, but I would claim that a shifting  theoretical perspective 
responsive to social and temporal changes resonates with  our historical and 
intellectual (aesthetic) awareness.  So, I do agree with  you that psychological 
processes should be addressed but I don't mind if  other social scientific 
fields address them also.  However, my main claim  in all of this is that 
anti-communicative processes, namely  force/coercion/manipulation/harassment through 
emotions/ideas/frameworks are  unaddressable by 
governmental/institutional/community procedures.   Basically, there is no referee/umpire/common authority for 
social-emotional and  psychological processes.  The best we have at this time 
are learning  processes, education and therapy, which help individuals to 
negotiate  transitions.
Fred Welfare

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