File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2004/habermas.0407, message 4

Subject: [HAB:] The resurgence of anti-Semitism ?????NABLUS Israel army cold blood murder university academic and son- 
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2004 13:00:26 -0300

July 07, 2004 

"On Tuesday, Israeli forces killed six Palestinians, four of which were killed in an army raid on the Ein Beit-Ilma refugee camp in the city of Nablus, including a 50-year-old Palestinian academic and his 16-year-old son, at the door of their apartment. 

Israeli troops rang Khaled Salah's door bell, an engineering professor at Nablus's al-Najah University, and shot him dead as he opened the door, along with his son who was standing behind him, Salah's relatives confirmed. 

"They killed them in cold blood. I went to my brother's apartment and saw some 50 bullet holes...," said Salah Salah, a brother of the academic. 

Israeli forces claimed that one of the Palestinian militants who survived the Israeli attack was hiding in an adjacent apartment. 

Palestinian security sources identified the killed militants as Yaman Faraj, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) West Bank commander, and a deputy. 

Condemnation of the Killing of Prof. Khalid Salah 


An-Najah National University family mourns with great sadness the killing of its instructor of the Engineering Faculty, Prof. Khalid Salah, 54 years old; An-Najah extends its deepest sympathy and condolences to Prof. Salah`s Family, and his fellows, friends and students at the university.

Prof. Khalid Salah was killed in cold blood by the Israeli Occupation Forces while he was in his flat with his family, his son, Muhammad, sixteen years old, was also killed, both were left bleeding for four hours until they died, he has shown great motivation and commitment towards his profession as well as his people.

Prof. Khalid Salah was born in 1950, he worked at the university in 1979, he got his MSc in Electronic Engineering from Wales in the United Kingdom in 1980, he got his PhD in the Electrical Engineering from California University Davis in 1985. and became an American citizen.

Once again, An-Najah family extends its deepest condolences to Salah`s family, and grieve with the rest of the Palestinian people.

The resurgence of anti-Semitism ?????
Israel: Strikes to Silence Palestinian Media


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