File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2004/habermas.0407, message 6

Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2004 13:49:09 -0400
Subject: Re: [HAB:]  Standards of journalism

Gary's last outburst of accusations of anti-Semitism demonstrates I think 
the duplicitous and fraudulent nature of liberal habermasianism, which 
hides its substantive goals under the bourgeois technocratic guise of 
procedural rules.  While Habermas began his theoretical journey with false 
characterizations of science, historical materialism, and technical and 
other interests, he built upon these wrong suppositions an equally 
technocratic--i.e. duplicitous--efidice of communicative reason, the moral 
technology of liberal bureaucrats.

A typical result is the bullshit debate between two profoundly misguided 
individuals, Gary and Matt.  When the chips are down, Gary shows his true 
colors.  And Matt is just another guilt-ridden liberal contemplating his 
own academic navel while boo-hooing about the world.  Citing the US support 
of Israel as the cause of 9-11 does not make Matt an anti-semite, it only 
makes him an unprincipled ignorant jackass who knows nothing about Islamic 
fascism.  And Gary covering up the complexity of the mideast situation by 
portraying Israel's policies as solely a response to Arab terrorism is 
another form of dishonest special pleading under the guise of procedural 
rationality, of which his lying accusation is not even an example.

What a bunch of useless, elitist little shits these Habermasians are.

At 10:26 AM 7/7/2004 -0700, Gary E. Davis wrote:
>re: Raul, "The resurgence of anti-Semitism????"
>The New York Times account:

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