File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2004/habermas.0411, message 1

Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 22:06:06 -0800 (PST)

In light of nearly 25 years of living with Habermasian
theory before I began discussion here, August 1997, I
sought to theorize *from* the practice of discussion. 

It’s been fun; it’s been a learning experience (not to
connote that I'm moving on). But fundamentally, it’s
been an overt project—which is *not* to
instrumentalize my participation!—but that I had the
*interest* to learn as much as I could from the
unexpected other (and textualized friends resulting
from that—*thank* you!).

The result has been, well, complex. Recently, I’ve
needed a way to introduce that and wanted to do it in
terms of recent discussions. 

So, I’m—at last—beginning that “evolving” project and
with such an introductory stance in mind: a way to
enter into a rather difficult discourse about
theorizing from practice, which new readers might find
useful, and with recent discussion in mind:

Then, there’s that rather difficult discourse:

“Theorizing from a practice”

So much to share—so little time.


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