File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2004/habermas.0411, message 10

Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2004 00:13:26 +0100
Subject: [HAB:] Protosociology:  W o r l d  -  S y s t e m s  Analysis

N e w

P r o t o s o c i o l o g y Vol. 20 2004

World-Systems Analysis:
Contemporary Directions and Research
Edited by Richard E. Lee and Gerhard Preyer


Richard E. Lee and Gerhard Preyer
Contemporary Directions and Research in World-Systems Analysis

New Directions in World-Systems Analysis

Christoper Chase-Dunn, Terry Boswell
Global Democracy: a World-Systems Perspective

Peter J. Taylor
Material Spatialities of Cities and States

Göran Therborn
Culture as a World System

Contemporary Research in World-Systems Analysis

Richard E. Lee
A Note on Method with an Example—The “War on Terror”

Denis O’Hearn
Path-Dependency, Stocks, Switching-Points, Flows: Reflections on
Long-term Global Change and Local Opportunities

Dale Tomich
Atlantic History and World Economy: Concepts and Constructions

Culture in the World-System

Barrie Axford
Multidimensionality, Mutual Constitution and the Nature of Systemness:
The Importance of the Cultural Turn in the Study of Global Systems

Mathias Bös
Ethnicity and Religion: Structural and Cultural Aspects of Global Phenomena

Gerard Delanty
Multiple Modernities and Globalization

Wilma Dunaway
Diaspora History Construction and Slave Culture Formation on Small U.S.

Shmuel N. Eisenstadt
The Dialogue between Cultures or between Cultural Interpretations of
Modernity – Multiple Modernities on the Contemporary Scene

Jonathan Friedman
Culture and its Politics in the Global System

Frank Lechner
National Identity and Globalization: Policy Paths and the Process of
Reimagining Community

On Contemporary Philosophy

Brie Gertler
Simulation Theory on Conceptual Grounds

Mason Cash
Unconventional Utterances?
Davidson’s Rejection of Conventions in Language Use

Ron Wilburn
Moral Realism, Supervenience, Externalism and the Limits of Perceptual

Gerhard Preyer
Eine neue Theorie der Kooperation

R. Kowalski
Development – Paradox, Paralysis and Praxis

The vol. is offered from the online shop on our homepage -- single 15 Euro, subscription 12 Euro.

Vols.of Protosociology on P h i l o s o p h y o f S o c i a l i t y

Vol. 18-19
Understanding the Social II:
Philosophy of Sociality
Edited by R. Tuomela, G. Preyer, G. Peter

Vol. 16
Understanding the Social I:
New Perspectives from Epistemology

The Vols. 8/9 -.18/19 of Protosociology are available in a digital version.
Each vol. 15 Euro, subscribtion 12 Euro.

Free to download:

Erwin Rogler and Gerhard Preyer
Anomalous Monism and Mental Causality
On the Debate of Donald Davidson’s Philosophy of the Mental


An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
J. W. Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, RFA

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