Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 20:46:27 EST Subject: Re: [HAB:] re: distinctions and risks in genomic technologies In a message dated 11/11/2004 8:31:05 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: A keynote of Hughes' book—shown by the regulatory-needs emphasis of the quotes I providedfrom his *Introduction*—is to address the dangers.People who are vaguely familiar with what the genomiccommunity is up to (which is very criticallyself-oriented) act as if that community is vaguelyfamiliar with the dangers—as if risk analysis issomething not inherent to biotech. My awareness of the opinions of others is that this therapeutic-enhancement distinction is not understood and that the genomic community is considerably misled. It seems that lobbying efforts are being made to qualify this field among the bigshots who so far are not buying in, but the therapeutic benefits are not happening and fears arise over the similarities between animal studies and possible human experiments. Now unless I have not understood Habermas, he clearly states that the enhancement thrust is not appropriate but this main line of his is being dissembled by his references as if the enhancement thrust is potentially acceptable. Just because Habermas refers to a particular school does not mean he has endorsed it!!! But, you are failing to address the political issues I have raised! Fred Welfare --- StripMime Warning -- MIME attachments removed --- This message may have contained attachments which were removed. Sorry, we do not allow attachments on this list. --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --- multipart/alternative text/plain (text body -- kept) text/html --- --- from list ---
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