File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2004/habermas.0411, message 8

Subject: Re: [HAB:]  Is "weak naturalism" "metaphysical" for Habermas?
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 19:07:05 -0500

Hi Gary,

I hope, I'll find the time to answer you with more details tomorrow.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary E. Davis" <>
To: <habermas-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU>
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: [HAB:] Is "weak naturalism" "metaphysical" for Habermas?

> Daniel, I want to pursue this. How can this be
> manageably done? 
> -- What do *you* mean by naturalism? 
> -- What do you claim *Habermas* means by naturalism in
> _Postmetaphysical Thinking_? (I'll look to see if
> there are references to 'naturalism' in the index of
> _PT_, when I'm near the book later today.)
> -- What's wrong with naturalism, anyway? Not to say
> that I endorse a simple naturalism of some sort, but
> supposing that one IS a "naturalist," what's the
> problem with that? It depends on what one means by
> naturalism, of course. 
> It's not that I can't answer my own question. But I
> want to get into it further. One problem with Matt's
> discussion was that he wasn't even addressing
> Habermas's quasi-naturalistic comments substantively. 
> D> In my opinion this proceeding [to support a weak
> naturalism] has consequences that contradict some of
> his arguments in discourse ethics and he might even
> get problems with his concept of communicative reason.
> G: Say more about this. What arguments in discourse
> ethics? What aspect of his concept of communicative
> reason gets problems? It could be very worthwhile for
> myself and others to pursue this is some detail.
> D: At the moment I try to figure out if there are
> possibilities to solve or avoid these problems without
> being either metaphysical or naturalistic.
> G: I bet that there are possibilities to solve or
> avoid the problems you identify. First, though, there
> has to be some specification of the problems. 
> I look forward to continuing this issue.
> Gary
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