File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2004/habermas.0412, message 2

Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 22:45:16 +0800
Subject: Re: [HAB:] Archive fever doing philosophy in light of Habermas

I don't understand what you are talking about....

2/1/04 1:31 PM, Gary E. Davis at wrote:

> I'm imagining you're a reader many years from now, and
> this archive of the Habermas list, once at the
> University of Virginia, survives somewhere.
> Though the Spoon version of Habermas discussion online
> ended, the discussion didn't end.
> What became of it, years down the road? Maybe a better
> resource than the Yahoo! group turned up.
> Following is a permanent URL for follow up by you, a
> future reader of this archive. (Today, December 1,
> 2004, it's a largely empty page. By indicating it,
> I've got the long-term in mind):
> Today, the page refers to the Yahoo! group on Habermas
> (which Spoon subscribers are probably tired to being
> reminded of), and?maybe by the time a current
> subscriber reads this?the page has a few spontaneous
> comments?or maybe some far-from-spontaneous
> commentary. 
> The page will grow and, whatever becomes of the Yahoo!
> group, I'll be sure that the page URL survives as at
> least an indexical for persons interested in
> discussing Habermas's work. What I'd *like* is that
> the page becomes a good portal for persons with
> long-term interest in Habermas's work. (Who knows how
> long Mathieu Deflem's resource listing will survive.)
> Perhaps the idea of this will inspire other Spoon
> subscribers, the next few days, to provide references
> out of this archive for later readers.
> Anyway, everyone, do something lasting, and have fun
> doing it! 
> Here's looking at you flourish,
> Gary
> --- from list ---

     --- from list ---


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