File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1997/97-01-28.223, message 120

Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 14:34:27 -0800
From: "Robert T. Guevara" <>
Subject: Re: preconceptions & connections

This is so typical.  You've already 'figured it out.'  wow.   No value to be
had.  ....just more editorializing.  I say that there is great value to be
had in what I am talking about. (hopefully, much more than 'my opinion.') relation to the 'quality' of our lives.

(by the way.  My Project is to be of service to people.  not to 'prance'
about with my already exiting 'understandings' as decoration.)

At 09:42 PM 1/27/97 +0100, you wrote:
>Robert T. Guevara wrote:
>> I am talking about BEING. in BEING who you are?
>> > By the way, this is all very simple.  I promise you, one cannot BE in one's
>> mind.  This is fanatasy!
>> > I am talking about BEING in one's world.  ...isn't there where one is?
>> ....or, where is one?
>You would not have asked these questions if you had known the answers,
>would you? 
>Where you are? I suppose that Heidegger would say that you are
>in-the-world and are unified with it by care. 
>Seeing your homepage and the picture of you and your family you
>certainly are being-in-the-world.
>If I understand Heidegger correctly, saying "I am Robert T.
>Guevera" is equivalent to saying "I-am-a-being-who-is-in-a-world" i.e.
>the world you, Robert T. Guevara, are unified with by care.
>Since you are-in-the-world, you are not in your mind - at least not in
>the same way as you are-in-the-world.
>Cheers to you!
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| Robert T. Guevara                             |
| ELECTRICAL ENGINEER                           |
| Camarillo CA                                  |
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