File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1997/97-01-28.223, message 88

Date: Sat, 25 Jan 1997 08:03:57 -0800
From: "Robert T. Guevara" <>
Subject: Re: what is the background?

Hi Henry,

listen, I'm sorry about my 'post' out of the blue yesterday.  I had just
joined this list and had forgotten.  I thought that I was 'posting' to
another list.  It may be helpful if the list administrator here can suggest
a convention. leading characters to the subject line.  Confusion may
be avoided in the future. (plus i'll just be more careful.) that i'm here however.  let me pose a few questions.  ...and the
background is that I participate with landmark education.  ...they have been
roundly blasted by certain philosophers as being "Heidegger for profit!"

Landmark is in the business of having people 'be.'  ...directly. an
unmediated fashion.  ..they accomplish this with a 'technology.'  As you
say, there are no easy answers.  ...but I am here to say that the technology
'works.'  It is very apparent to me that 'BEING' isn't something to be
figured out.  Figuring something out is in the realm of 'understanding.'
When one 'understands,' one 'corrupts' the data.  ...One maps 'what's so'
onto already 'existing' patterns of 'understanding.' (we say, I understand,
when what is understood makes sense in terms of what we already know)

Scholarly endeavor certainly has it's merit.  it seems to me however, that,
it has mostly become:  BEING "in the stands" so to speak.'s almost as
if 'BEING' "on the court" is irrelevent (as in BEING).  ...and this is
ridiculus.  I mean, can one "BE" in ones "MIND."  ...a ludicrous proposition
at best.

...I further suggest that Heidegger and other great philosophers had
'access' to 'on the courtness' in ways most academicians don't.

Perhaps it would be beneficial for 'more conventional' academicians to "BE"
directly, in addition to their analytic pursuits.

I have discovered in a direct fashion that 'Human Being" isn't given by
"BEING," but by "Not BEING."  Landmark has 'given' me freedom to "BE" (one
cannot assess BEING, one BE's). regards to my comments about 'actually' 'listening' when 'one's child
cries' or when 'one's spouse' needs them for example  ...These are the
places to 'look' for BEING.  ....I mean where does one look if not in one's
life? books.  ...what challenged souls some philosphers must be!

And by the way.  Context 'gives' being. ..not contents. is to easy to
be mired in contents!

| Robert T. Guevara                             |
| ELECTRICAL ENGINEER                           |
| Camarillo CA                                  |
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