File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1997/heidegger.9711, message 235

From: "henry sholar" <>
Date:          Thu, 13 Nov 1997 6:53:36 EST
Subject:       Re: Scientific certainty & class warfare

dear Bob,

a while back i suggested we did not want ad hominum abusive
as bare fist warfare concerning heid and marx.  you've just thrown
nietz the peach in there and i still say we don't want ad hom,
just wouldn't be fair to uncle Karl.

but:  yer right about the both of them, except for heid's poverty
and, perhaps, he built his own hut and carried his own water in 
other ways much of his life--i dunno.

i have heard that the "real" peasants thought he was a lunatic,
his lederhosen too short and he didn't know how to hold a pipe in
his mouth... 

there's some rumorological damage for you.  people mag
doesn't have all the important stuff.

>Surely there's no arguing Donald Trump, Dodi Fayid, etc., the lords of the
>long green, win the cattle and the females?

they win what they understand.  they win people QUA cattle...  all genders.

i'm a big believer in materialism...

AND karma...


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