File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1997/heidegger.9711, message 374

From: "Chris Morrissey" <>
Subject: Re: Scientific certitude
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 08:43:36 -0800

>that it was immediately following my showing that you had significantly
>misquoted your own post, not just in one, but in two places, that you
>resorted to asserting that I was merely ranting and raving

Uh... this "showing" of yours was exactly your ranting and raving.

For some reason you think pointing out the difference (what difference?)
between "no one" and "not anyone" is "showing" something.

Steve, you're a goof. Your idea of a discussion is to scream, over and
over, "Prove it!"

>>What you mean by "truth" here is "true statement about things" and
>>you confuse (a) the fact that a thing is so with (b) the truth that such
>>facts about
>>things are knowable.
>And we have no reasonable basis for assuming that they are not entirely

Like I said, you confuse (a) with (b) and thereby contradict yourself.
We make conjectures about (a), but this is only possible on the basis of

Isn't your argument self-contradictory? If everything is conjecturable, why
bother asking for a "reasonable basis" at all?

If you presuppose a "reasonable basis", then you are admitting that (b) is

A "conjecture" is not a "reasonable basis", is it?
(But if it is, why are you so indignant about my "opinions" and

You're demanding reasons and strutting around like king of the flame wars;
but what is this "reason" that you believe in?


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