File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9803, message 17

Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 00:48:20 +0100
From: Henk van Tuijl <>
Subject: Re: Archetypes

henry sholar wrote:
> but daseining, it appears to me, is the ceaseless weaving of the fabric
> of being and dis-covering where designs that i intended weave into
> disclosed designs that are given to me, that sometimes close up my
> intended designs.  the "to me" indicates the requirement of I/Thou
> for a reconcilliation of poetic archetype

Within Heideggerian tradition there is no "i intenteded"
intended. Nevertheless, there might be. It might be
argued that Heidegger didn't really succeed in putting 
an end to the metaphysical confrontation between _Dasein_ 
and _sein_.
Neither is a relation between two beings intended, e.g. 
Buber's I/Thou - for the same reason. A metaphysical
isolation bridged, is also confrontational - in a certain 
The only orthodox approach is probably not Heidegger's 
but Fraentzki's:

"Das DA, in dem das DAsein selbst sich aufhaelt, ist
immer schon das DA, das es vom Sein her bezogen und
als sein eigenes vollzogen hat" (355).

The Da, in which DAsein dwells, is always already the 
DA that it has obtained from Being and realized as 
its own.

Dasein may realize its DA while using language, forming 
patterns, using poetical archetypes, etc. - but not 
because this links an outside to an inside or vice versa.

As you say: 
>the poetic-essence of all of this is all of this... 

Existence is the essence of all that is DA.

Kindest regards,

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