Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 09:33:54 -0700 Subject: Re: Clarity Daniel Wrote: > I agree. But firstly, I still hold that the reason why these > expressions > do not work is because they produce absurdities of language. And > this is > a kind of faithlessness with language. E.g. It is not the chair that > one > defines, but the meaning of chair. Secondly, it is not that > validation, > proof, etc., have no place in Heidegger, but because Heidegger thinks > that > they have been used to usurp the place of truth and even masquerade > for it. > Thus truth has been reduced to correctness. Such that the words > 'true' > and 'correct' become synonymous. 'This theory is true' means the > same as > 'This theory is correct/right.' The danger of this synonymity is > that > when kids are taught in school, they are not taught to practise the > art of > truth, but the art of being correct. Or they can swing to the other > > extreme and in a reaction to the notion that the way to be or do > something > is the correct way, they substitute this with, there is no correct way > to > do these things. Say teaching the writing of poetry, can swing from > this > is the correct way to write poetry, to anything counts as a poem. > And > surely both are absurd. Isn't the Heideggerian question, How does > one > get into the poetic way, without that way being the correct way or an > anarchist reaction? A very nice paragraph here, Daniel. Michael Staples --- from list ---
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