Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 23:29:17 -0700 Subject: Re: Clarity i'm a bit shocked that anthony misunderstood me as he did. i'm really disorganized. as a brief summary of my position: - thinker as distinct from thought - thinker "thinks" precisely through praxis. "knows" other beings as being related in actual encounter. - contemplative thought or psychological activity is calculative and either technological in the sense of manipulating in the realm of things or behavioral in the sense of thingifying in the realm of relationship with the other. the "occurring" world of thingly things. this is the world of everydayness or the practical world and is the result of the end of philosophy (metaphysics) as manifested in information and the completion of the sciences. .. cybernetics. when one is grounded psychologically it isn't *necessarily* a pseudo-audible "little voice" that determines behavior. it is a mechanistic behavioral system as the very ground that gives us. it is the way we are known by the other. whatever qualities constitute an individual as individual. an identity. a who we are. not merely a what we contemplatively think. it is sub-consciously being an identity. (in the realm of psychology) so we obliviously behave a very certain way. absorbed in our ontic concerns. - my *descriptions* are just that. not to be confused with a carefully designed and *proven* technology that enables this new mode of being human. i've not discussed the enabling technology in any way here. to reiterate. in my view this technology is language in that it grants access to being. it is, in and of itself, a disposable device. it is like a car. the point is not to live in the car. but to get to where you're going. it is easy to fall into the ol' fallacy of infinite regression. i don't believe anything and i really believe that. NO! when being Being. there are no concepts or beliefs as a grounding of our being even tho concepts (enabling technology) were used as a scaffolding. Robert T. Guevara | Electrical Engineer | Camarillo CA, USA | --- from list ---
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