File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9805, message 143

Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 15:07:03 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Language?

Dear Henk,

I don't thinkI could ever corect you on anything you might have to say
about Heidegger. I certainly want to continue this thread on language as
I'm finding it very helpful and so my additions will be more in the form
of questions and some thoughts I'm trying to put together.

I'm pulling together some of your comments and also Allen and Bill's
thoughts about language and poetry. I notice my thinking taking on a
circular patern as I think about it and since I tend to be more linear
in my reasoning I find this difficult and yet it is the Hermenuetic
"CIRCLE" isn't it?

SO from Henry's post we have that Language comes from poetry. Poetry is
Dasien's measure of the hieght and breadth of being. And I think I understand ththis. It is also form Allen and Bill's post creating. Also from your 
discussion with Micheal Poetry is also listening. This one I have a little
trouble with until I think of the few times I was playing guitar in a
performence and I was listening to the music emerge from my guitar and
completely lost myself as the player. This ceratinly was a creating.

So the poetic act, if I can put all this together, is one in which the sayer
creates without a sense of distinction between self and being and this
act is situated between heaven and earth and the horizon of experience.

it is not poetry when the neanderthal man points at the saber tooth tiger 
and goes ugh! nor is it language. It is poetry when the saying brings
forth this menaing in the context of being 
"Tiger tiger burning bright"

So language comes from poetic expression because language is not just a system of signs but and expression of being.

This poetry stuff is a reach for me. So please be patient. Does this make any

Got to see my next patient,


Greg borgerson

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