File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9805, message 146

Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 10:38:57 +200
Subject: Heidegger criticizing William of Ockham

I'm doing research on the relation between William of Ockham's philosophical and 
political writings. In Alferi's "Guillaume D'Ockham: le singulier" I've read that 
it seems that Heidegger criticized Ockham's nominalism. Alferi refers to 
Heidegger's "Seminaire du Thor", I don't know what this should be in German. 
Except some chapters of H's "Sein und Zeit" I'm not familiar with H's 
writings, and I'm wondering wether someone of this list can help me. What I'm 
asking is: does someone of you know where I can read H criticizing Ockham? 
Whether "Seminaire du Thor" is written by Heidegger himself, and if so what the 
title is in German. I thought that H only wrote in German, but maybe I'm wrong?

Best regards,
Paula Franso 

Almere, The Netherlands    e-mail:

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