File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9805, message 150

Subject: Language?
Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 00:12:14 +0400

Dear listmembers
Recently I read John Macquarrie's book "Martin Heidegger" and in the end of
the book when he talks about H's significanse there an interesting passage.
If anyone has the book available it is on page 56. Macquarrie says that
early H understood language as the expression of existence, but later H said
that language is the voice of Being. There follows the passage - "there are
some remarkable parallels between H's teaching on language as the voice of
Being and Barth's conception of the Word of God" [page 56]. I am especially
interested in this paralells and I know that this is not the main concern of
this list, but maybe someone will be willing to throw some light on this

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