Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 14:51:04 -0700 Subject: Re: Language? E&A Pavlov wrote: > Dear listmembers > Recently I read John Macquarrie's book "Martin Heidegger" and in the > end of > the book when he talks about H's significanse there an interesting > passage. > If anyone has the book available it is on page 56. Macquarrie says > that > early H understood language as the expression of existence, but later > H said > that language is the voice of Being. There follows the passage - > "there are > some remarkable parallels between H's teaching on language as the > voice of > Being and Barth's conception of the Word of God" [page 56]. I am > especially > interested in this paralells and I know that this is not the main > concern of > this list, but maybe someone will be willing to throw some light on > this > topic? > Gene George Steiner makes several references to Heidegger's work; "Replace Sein by 'God' in all the key passages and their meaning becomes pellucid." (Pellucid, by the way, means 'clear'or 'non-distoring'. I looked it up.). There are many similar alusions made by George Kovacs in his book, "The Question of God in Heidegger's Phenomenology". He makes clear the position that Heidegger is not necessarily talking about or arguing one way or another about God, but also indicates that there are clear connections between his phenomenology and the problem of god. It does not seem surprising that there might be a connection made between the voice of Being and the Word of God. Should be interesting to hear what the group has to say about this. Michael Staples --- from list ---
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