File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9805, message 160

Subject: Re: Language?
Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 15:16:51 +0200

The question of Being and the question of God are indeed for Heidegger two
separate questions. There is the famous remark where H. states that in a
(philosophical) theology the word _being_ would not be mentioned!
But there is also a connections between both questions as the _result_ of
questioning the metaphysics conception of being (in its twofold Aristotelian
conception: as the highest Being as well as the most general concept:
Theology and Ontology), Heidegger opens the (un-)ground for another kind of
the question of god (not any more as fulfilling the task of _causa prima_)

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Mike Staples <>
Datum: Freitag, 22. Mai 1998 01:01
Betreff: Re: Language?

>E&A Pavlov wrote:
>> Dear listmembers
>> Recently I read John Macquarrie's book "Martin Heidegger" and in the
>> end of
>> the book when he talks about H's significanse there an interesting
>> passage.
>> If anyone has the book available it is on page 56. Macquarrie says
>> that
>> early H understood language as the expression of existence, but later
>> H said
>> that language is the voice of Being. There follows the passage -
>> "there are
>> some remarkable parallels between H's teaching on language as the
>> voice of
>> Being and Barth's conception of the Word of God" [page 56]. I am
>> especially
>> interested in this paralells and I know that this is not the main
>> concern of
>> this list, but maybe someone will be willing to throw some light on
>> this
>> topic?
>> Gene
>George Steiner makes several references to Heidegger's work; "Replace
>Sein by 'God' in all the key passages and their meaning becomes
>pellucid." (Pellucid, by the way, means 'clear'or 'non-distoring'. I
>looked it up.). There are many similar alusions made by George Kovacs in
>his book, "The Question of God in Heidegger's Phenomenology". He makes
>clear the position that Heidegger is not necessarily talking about or
>arguing one way or another about God, but also indicates that there are
>clear connections between his phenomenology and the problem of god. It
>does not seem surprising that there might be a connection made between
>the voice of Being and the Word of God. Should be interesting to hear
>what the group has to say about this.
>Michael Staples
>     --- from list ---

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