File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9805, message 165

Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 19:35:58 +0200
Subject: Re: Language?

See GA04, GA39, GA52 and GA53 on Heidegger and Hoelderlin.
More or less to my surprise I am fascinated by the later
GA12 with an article on language (1950), on the poet Trakl
(1952), on a conversation with a Japanese (1953/1954), on
the essence of language (1957/1958), on _Das Wort_ (word,
1958), and on "On the way to language" (1959).
Good reading to you, Michael and Phil!
Kindest regards,

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