Subject: Re: Poetic Thinking Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 00:12:46 +0200 Dear Greg, sure, sorry for the delay. In 1981 (!) I published a paper (in German) on this matter with the title: Heidegger ueber Sprache und Information, which was published in the Philosophisches Jahrbuch 88 (19819 2, pp. 333-344. Here are some of my sources (which should be revised now according to the new publications of the GA): (I give you only the German sources, as I have no other ones...) - Die Frage nach der Technik, Teil 1, p. 22 (from 1953: probably Heidegger's first mention of the concept of information) Heid. asks for the possibility of a _free relationship_ (eine freie Beziehung) towards technology (or _technics_...) Information is the way nature presents itself as it is _asked_ and _posted_ (herausgefordert) by modern (science and) technology. Information ist _eine (not the only one) Weise des Entbergens_ (cf. W. Heisenberg: Das Naturbild der heutigen Physik) (H. spoke this within a meeting of the Bayerische Akademie der Schoenen Kuenste on Die Kuenste im technischen Zeitalter) - Der Satz vom Grund, p. 203: Information is the way causality (more precisely: the principle of causality: principium reddendae rationis (ratione) (cf. Leibniz) presents itself today see: Der Satz vom Grund (where: _Satz_ means not only proposition but also to spring from the ground into the abyss...) p. 58, 202 - Die onto-theo-logische Verfassung der Metaphysik (in: Identitaet und Differenz), p. 42: with regard to the essence (i.e. the way technology today _is_) of modern technology: Funktionalisierung, Perfektion, Automatisation, Buerokratisierung, Information - Hebel - der Hausfreund, p. 33: Language as an Instrument of information (i.e. of understanding: Verstaendigung): this is the way language _is_ today (the governing Vorstellung) - Das Wesen der sprache, p. 161: language as experienced in poetry (to let yourself say something coming from language) as opposed to the way your are, when you talk _over_ or _about_ language (see: Wittgenstein: Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darueber muss man schweigen: Wittgenstein makes no difference between a _sprechen ueber_ and a _sprechen von_ , I mean he does not makes an explicit difference, although he speaks _von_ when he is writing this) By the way: Heidegger says, that the way of language as information is extremely useful in everyday life (also _metalanguages_ : ibid. p. 161): no idea of denigrating other forms of relationship to language... - Der Weg zur Sprache, p 243: the (hermeneutic) circle of language (as poetry) and language (as information as one (not the only one) way languages _circulates" (kreisen). This is the main point at: C.F. von Weizsaeckers: Sprache als Information - Wegmarken (p. VII): criticisms on the dominance of language as information (gleichfoermige Speicherung von Informationen) and the lost of History and Tradition - Vier Seminare, p. 89 (notices/protocol from Curd Ochwadt): _Der Verlust des gemeinsamen Bodens zwischen der Vorstellung von Sprache als Information und der dichterisch-denkerischen Erfahrung von Sprache wuerde stattfinden, wenn der Mensch "keine anderen Notwendigkeiten" mehr empfinden wuerde,als die "die die Erforderdnisse seiner Selbstherstellung hervorruffen." i.e. experiencing language in the _poetry mode_ enables us to see/go beyond us (decentralizing ourselves) In some way Informationtechnology is the _photographic negative_ of the Ereignis (I call it: the Information-Gestell) kind regards Rafael -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: <> An: <> Datum: Freitag, 22. Mai 1998 20:15 Betreff: Re: Poetic Thinking >Dear Rafael, > >Could you be a litle more specific about the works that you would sugget? > >Thanks, > >Greg Borgerson > > > --- from list --- --- from list ---
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