File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9805, message 192

Date:          Wed, 27 May 1998 12:05:45 EST
Subject:       Re: Math/Metaphysics

>The debate today veers more towards conventionalism I think, but
>the verdict's not in; most scientists proceed on the basis of a 
>deep connection between mathematical structure and physical 

I'd like to hear a "clean" discourse regarding how this topic connects
with heidegger's view that all of the theoretical strainings towards 
calculative knowledge (and, therefore, towards theories of calculative
methodologies, plus any and all additional layering of that onion) is of 
a secondary and derivitive acquisition via being-in-the-world.  (Pls let
b-i-t-w stand for the 'truth' of dasein as world; indeed, pls allow it to
transcend into later heidegger as the historicality of Being.)

It seems to me that wittgenstein's entree would be a much better approach 
to this math-theory stuff, and would go further yet still contain a "family 
resemblance" to heidegger's thinking.

I am not at all clear how any of this talk about godel's math in any
way approaches heidegger's "fundamental ontology."  Help pls,
and wid simple language if possible.

kindest regards,

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