Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 12:38:12 -0500 Subject: Re: Math/Metaphysics Hen wrote: > I'd like to hear a "clean" discourse regarding how this topic connects > with heidegger's view that all of the theoretical strainings towards > calculative knowledge (and, therefore, towards theories of calculative > methodologies, plus any and all additional layering of that onion) is of > a secondary and derivitive acquisition via being-in-the-world. If I remember correctly, the original issue was whether or not Heidegger's view of mathematics as essentially axiomatic is outdated in light of Godel's argument. I replied by arguing that all Godel shows is that there are no "absolute" axioms in mathematics, not that mathematics can actually be non- axiomatic, thereby saving Heidegger's interpretation of math. Further, I argued that the only way to escape axiomatization, not only that of mathematics but also that of the objective sciences, was by transcending science altogether, which is exactly what Heidegger does by subordinating calculative knowledge to being-in-the-world. Anthony Crifasi --- from list ---
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