File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9805, message 202

Date:          Thu, 28 May 1998 7:12:37 EST
Subject:       Re: Math/Metaphysics

> Of course, this doesn't confer upon
>these disciplines a "status" different from that which H confers upon
>them. They are derivative/secondary: they remain wedded to the
>apophantic of Aussage, Satzwahrheit, ontische Warheit, ..., etc.

say no more

>>That, it seems to me, is Heidegger 101.
>>(But then I'm always stuck repeating Heidegger 101.)
>(Is this supposed to be an ad hominen? If it is, it indicates why you are
>"stuck repeating Heidegger 101": you always fail the course. Need I
>remind you that the dialogue between Anthony and me is called
>Philosophical Dialectic, the elenchos, our arete)

well, mine wasn't, but yours certainly was.

>Each of my dialogues with Heidegger texts respects that a genuine trek
>with Being meets no impassable crags, that Being allows of footing for
>everything, that Being is not gapped; It has no missing pieces. For me,
>not finding a footing for "math....calculative...," ultimately lights up a
>failure of Dasein's self-understanding. We fail Being, again.

it sounds to me as though your mountain-climbing is an
extraordinarily calculative exercise.

>Another such failure came home deeply to me today, when the washer-
>woman said to me, "Oh, I tell you, things aren't what they used to be:
>everything used to work; now all the machines are broken." She knows
>someone is calling, but she doesn't know who it (es) is.

i think the washerwoman and i are in the same boat (boot).
but sincere best wishes in your attempts to succeed being.
kindest regards, 

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