Subject: Re: Re: God and Being Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 16:49:58 +0200 Karl Rahner is one of the key theologians of this century. We are making things too easy trying to get rid of him (and others) with one or two sentences... (we just aknowledge our ignorance). One of Rahner's key contributions to philosophy and theology was "Geist in Welt. Zur Metaphysik der endlichen Erkenntnis bei Thomas von Aquin" in which he integrates Kant into Thomism by showing that the necessity of _going back to the phantasmata_ (conversio ad phantasmata) ist a key point in (Aristotelian)-Thomism and strongly connected to Kant's views of the limits of the _reine Vernunft_. This just to show that he was not _purely_ using (or misusing Heidegger or Kant or whatever) for theologic purposes... He was indeed influenced by Heidegger and Hegel. One of his main insights may the the _concept_ of _mystery_ (Geheimnis). In one famous article (appeared in his Schriften zur Theologie) _Ueber den Begriff des Geheimnisses in der katholischen Theologie_ he shows how far the traditional concept of _Geheimnis_ was just related to _non understandable sentences_. He takes this concept into an _existential_ level by showing that God's _mystery_ (i.e. s/his not being manifested) is a remaining (!) _quality_ also (!) in the _visio beatifica_. This is, in my opinion, a way of thinking God (or god(s)) within the horizon of _a-letheia_. But these are, of course, just a few hints to a _see_ of questions. kind regards rafael -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: henry sholar <> An: heidegger-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU <heidegger-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU> Datum: Donnerstag, 28. Mai 1998 16:47 Betreff: Re: God and Being > >>Could someone explain to me what exactly these Catholic theologians did with >>SuZ? I am not very well versed on this subject. >> >>Anthony Crifasi > > >Karl Rahner is the one I mentioned with Prots Tillich and Bultmann. >I would too hastily say that he utilized SuZ with a formula of >Being = God to organize the dominant "existential Catholic theology." > >I am not sure of this title (its been 15 years!) but i think >Rahner's "SuZ book" is _On Being a Christian_. > >...and, of course, the authentic Dasein is gonna be >a devout xian... > >hen > > > > --- from list --- --- from list ---
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