File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9805, message 22

Date:          Wed, 6 May 1998 16:28:11 EST
Subject:       Re: Rorty on Safranski on Heidegger

>Henk v T wrote:
>Henry, an interesting review! 
>One would not suspect, after reading Rorty's review, that Hermann
>Heidegger has thanked Safranski for having written a readable book and
>trying to judge the life and deeds of his father fairly.

Nor would one ever suspect the debt Rorty himself has
to Martin Heidegger and that he has "dared to" read and
interpret a great deal of the man's thought!

I thought it was odd and a bit disingenuous.  
Perhaps we are missing a little of Rorty's acquired
Virginian irony?


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