File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9805, message 229

Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 11:07:14 +0200
Subject: Re: FW: Self-evidently so ...

Allen Scult wrote:
> So Heidegger would not ask " What do we mean when we say 'God'?" 
> But rather. . . well, I'm not sure of the appropriate 
> Heideggerian way to frame the question here.

Heidegger seems to agree with Eckhart's basic concept "One can 
only know what one is, e.g. God, in sofar as one is God". 
According to him the knowledge of God is achieved in mystical 
_Abgeschiedenheit_ (seclusion).

This could be the same _Abgeschiedenheit_ as in Heidegger's 
treatment of the poetry of Trakl (cf. the poet is demigod, etc.).
It would probably not be un-Heideggerian to say that the mystic 
nor the poet _exist_. They _are_ underway (cf. Heidegger's 
etymology of _sent_). 

Kindest regards,

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