File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9805, message 23

Date: Thu, 07 May 1998 00:59:11 -0700
From: Bob/Diane <>
Subject: Re: thinker and thought

>>> Even if the question does lead to solipsism, did Heidegger really
>>> address it (solipsism, I mean)?  Would it have mattered to his
>>> philosophy if this were all a solipsistic fantasy or not?  Surely
>>> most of his philosophy didn't care about solipsism or God or
>>> Cartesian malignant geniuses.  And since he began with phenomenology,
>>> we could all be, in a certain sense, solipsistic, and still be
>>> Heideggerian in dealing with whatever hallucinations our mind or our
>>> Cartesian demons threw at us in the guise of reality.

given that i'm an engineer, let me propose something less "intellectual."

Let's say that from our birth and through our early developmental years.
"Stuff" happens.  We get "stuck" in life somehow.  We get "stopped."  You
know, like i'm in kindergarten and i volunteer to sing a song, not really
understanding that i can't sing.  But, it's fine.  i'm being "related" with
my classmates.  then i actually begin to sing.  or rather to sing very
poorly.  everyone laughs so hard.  i'm stopped.

I'm proposing that we "adapt" to "stopped-ness" and move one.  this is just
the beginning of a pattern of adapting.  a matrix of "filters" is being set
up.  I begin a process of transforming my relationship to the "world" from
direct and unmediated to "entanglement." (actually i assert that
entanglement happens right from the getgo and ends sometime in early
adulthood)  that is that i now begin to relate to my "adaptation"
mechanisms.  normally referred to as an "identity."  so "solipsistic
fantasies" are a bit much of an overreaction.  don't ya think?  We're
simply filtering what is real -- through "our" particularly flavored set of
filters.  you know.  henry is "smart."  I'm less then tactful.  etc.

So then.  your "identity" thinks you.  and yet you delude yourself into
thinking that you think.  in fact, some of you are no doubt "thinking"
about how to "think" as we speak.  you want to go sit and "think" about it.
 but this is more of the same.  it thinks you.  you're doing what you're
doing to not do it anylonger.  so you keep doing more of what you "think"
you're not doing.  or is that doing.  hmmmm.

it all there in heidy's later stuff.

and of course, "throwness" comes from that metaphysics thinks beings as
being in a manner of "representational" thinking which gives reasons.  and
as we know.  the answer to the question "why?" is eventually and inevitably


The operational and model character of representational-calculative
thinking becomes dominate.


as sketched above.


then we come to the end of philosophy and to the possibility of a new kind
of human being.  essentially built on the completion of the old kind of
human being. etcetera. etcetera. etcetera.

Robert T. Guevara   |
Electrical Engineer |
Camarillo CA, USA   |

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