File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9805, message 237

Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 11:31:37 -0700
Subject: Re: leap of faith

Dr Eldred writes:
>So not a “leap of faith” (which is a based on a believing-in another being
>accepts and trusts that this other being sees and knows more than we do --
>has to be blind in this sense) but a leap to somewhere else where everything 
>looks slightly different.

thank you sir.  i enjoyed your comments.

-- for me it is every-thing from the "cogito" to the body and it's "drives
and effects" that is the leap-of-faith.  the entanglement with *an*
"absolute validity" of metaphysical reasoning that ultimately can only be
one of blind faith.

my very best regards--

Robert T. Guevara   |
Electrical Engineer |
Camarillo CA, USA   |

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