File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9805, message 239

Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 14:11:44 -0500 (CDT)
From: (Allen Scult)
Subject: RE: FW: Self-evidently so ...

Robert asks,

>can you say more about your thoughts concerning a possible mistranslation?
>( of "Eheyeh asher Ehyeh.")

The revelation of the name at the "Burning Bush" in Exodus reflects a
suggestive ambiguity that calls for much attention and study and has
received it.  (I discuss the revelation from a rhetorical-hermeneutical
persepctive in an essay entitled "Hermes Rhetorical Problem" reprinted at
my website.) But as Heidegger argues about the word philosophy in his essay
"What is Philosophy," I would argue here that the Judao-Christian God was
originally "spoken" in Hebrew as a suggestively ambiguous "take" on the
Hebrew root for being (hvh) which is at the core of the name " Yahweh," and
also God's answer to Moses' question  regarding God's name ( " Eheyeh asher
Eheyeh") and then  a few sentences later when God glosses that asnwer by
telling Moses to tell the people " Ehyeh sent you"  "Being is spoken in
many ways" and in Hebrew, the speaking of Being and the name of God does
not lend itself to any clearly localized tense, i.e. any clearly
discernable time.

I want to respond to Henk as well, but my carriage is waiting.



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