Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 17:13:02 -0700 Subject: Gedankenblitz Dr Eldred writes: >>>> [...]Words themselves eventuate truth and, if we listen attentively to them, they somet=EDmes reveal surprising new angles -- all at once. Then we say that we=92ve had a Gedankenblitz, a =91bright idea=92. In truth we have to thank language once again for calling beings into the open in a slightly different way, just as the cabinet-maker is thankful for the possibilities that a particular piece of timber offers.[...] <<<< H in _What Calls for Thinking?_: >>>> "[...] To keep clear of prejudice, we must be ready and willing to listen. Such readiness allows us to surmount the boundaries in which all customary views are confined, and to reach a more open terrain. [...]" <<<< i find that i can only keep clear of prejudice when i'm complete. when "my" historical self is quiescent. when the *involuntary* chattering of my "mind" ceases. and i cannot "do" this by force of will. or do it by sheer power of reasoning or intellect. when i am complete, i can see very very clearly. even my visual and aural perception brightens in a dramatic fashion. *and* i am related-ness to the other (world in general) much as the cabinet maker is related-ness to wood. in fact i find that i can't be complete as being to myself. in my head pondering. to be "alone" in this sense is to be incomplete. to be questioning metaphysically. to have world be shrunken down to the confines of my psychological machinations. to be whole and complete is to be related-ness. it is then that i have relentless trains of insights at my disposal. "bright ideas." an *experience* of unconcealment everywhere i direct my attention. like lights going on. no arriving at answers as through process. your comment made me think that perhaps this is listening the language of Being as it gathers beings. a calling of beings into the open .. into presence. Robert T. Guevara | Electrical Engineer | Camarillo CA, USA | --- from list ---
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