File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9805, message 30

Date: Sat, 09 May 1998 20:44:52 +0200
From: Henk van Tuijl <>
Subject: Re: R: thinker and thought

Anthony Crifasi wrote:
So I suppose that "we could all be solipsistic and still be
Heideggerian," but only if we reject the traditional notion that
presence is prior to praxis.

Wasn't it Russell who reported meeting someone who claimed to be a
solipsist and was surprised to notice that she was the only one?
Anxiety is a distinctive state-of-mind. It individualizes Dasein and
shows it as solus ipse. Heidegger calls this mode of being existential
solipsism. It does occur in Jaspersian limit- situations. Heidegger
argues that under ultimate breakdown conditions Dasein is confronted
with the world as world. Dasein is (at the same time?) brought face to
face with itself as Being-in-the-world. He does seem to believe that
this suffices to take away the impression that Dasein is solipsistic in
the ordinary sense of the word. However, the preceding passage still
puzzles me:

"That _about which_ anxiety is anxious reveals itself as that _in the
face of which_ it is anxious - namely, Being-in-the- world. The
selfsameness of that in the face of which and that about which one has
anxiety, extends even to anxiousness itself. For, as a state-of-mind,
anxiousness is a basic kind of Being-in-the-world (SZ 188)."

Kindest regards,

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