File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9805, message 36

Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 20:46:30 -0700
Subject: Re: R: thinker and thought

>It could be, but let us consider for a moment that the problem ought to be
>thought from another point of view. We should consider that Sein und Zeit
>should be considered only as a part of a whole. In his works on Nietzsche it
>is set clear that H. refuses Descartes' thought as the most horrible
>deconstruction of the worldliness . I agree with  you when you say that
>solipsism is something from which H. detaches himself. In Nietzsche his
>considerations concerning the reduction of the Seiendes to the power of the
>Self are those which tend to determine our "poor age" in which only a god
>can save us. But this fact is pointed out only briefly in being & Time and
>it is developed in a more complete way in What is Metaphysic? & in the works
>on Nietzsche in which our final reduction is proved by technique which is
>the "accomplishment" of this disrupted metaphysic in our everydayness in
>which the "ens" is only our own & produced by the "fallen" Dasein.
>Don't you think? Perhaps a bit of discussion on this topic could give me a
>more stable knowledge of H.'s system.

howdy all.  just as a reminder.  before some months ago, i knew nothing of
heidegger's writings in any direct way.  i've essentially just skimmed his
stuff.  i am a fairly quick study however.  my point is that i'm seeing
this a little different than alot of youz probably are.  and ya'll must
remember that i'm not a professional philosopher. (+ my 2 yr old makes my
communication a bit, how shall i say, hurried)

also.  i request that i be allowed to present food for thought without any
offense taken on anyone's part.  we're all grown ups.  yes?  i'm very
engaged in many things.  i just drop in when i can.  so in no sense of an
attack i ask...


is there any interest in an inquiry into thought as praxis?  not like more
*thinking* about thinking.  but like.  .. what does H say .. (paraphrase)

"man should act without delay--instead of making more speeches at
conferences or conventions.  so then action is what is lacking--not thought."

he also says something like:

"a preoccupation with philosophy gives the stubborn illusion that we are
*thinking* just because we are incessantly philosophizing."

for me Luciano asks a good question.  should H be taken as a system?  is
SuZ just part of this system?  my take is yes.  SuZ gives insight into what
all needs completion.  and what this completion may entail as philosophy
comes to an end.  what i mean is that metaphysically based "thought" can't
be cleansed away like a bad body odor.  it's there.  i use it.  however the
ground of my being is not that.

what does H mean by "the end?"  by completion?

and what about this possibility that didn't exist before?  this new kind of
human being?  how will an ontology of relatedness disclose itself?  in real
(like really) terms?  like in your life?

or is this irrelevant as i asked Henry?  it may be.  there is absolutely
nothing wrong with business as usual.  i'm simply proposing that perhaps we
can generate an inquiry into this sort of "really" being in the world.  not
being in our endlessly (metaphysically) philosophizing "minds."  i assert
that even if you carefully "think" H in your mind (like Dr Eldred does so
brilliantly), it is more of the same.  no different.  not even the
antechamber.  not really.  it is traditional metaphysics.  it's
conventional yet pretentious.  James said it best.  de-construction must be
appropriated.  not simply endorsed.  UNTIL you know anything about "the
nothing."  about the essense of the nilih.  until then.  nilihism cannot be
countered.  it metaphysics all dressed up with no where to go.

if you are even contemplating the "end of metaphysics" as manifest in "the
little voice."  or our "traditionally" conceived mind.  then i ask that you
consider a new possibility.  just a *thought* from the less than tactful one.

also.  i have no hidden agendas of any sort.  no hostility.  no attack.
just food for *thought*.

later gators.....

Robert T. Guevara   |
Electrical Engineer |
Camarillo CA, USA   |

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