Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 06:11:06 -0700 Subject: Re: Language? Henk van Tuijl wrote: > Michael Staples wrote: > What do Heideggerians mean by "Language"? > > Michael, in case you see language as another possible example of > solipsism ... Henk, you give me much more credit than I'm worth. I'm not smart enough to be attempting to tie "language" into the dialogue about solipsism. My question is really much more basic. The topic of language comes up from time to time. It has come up again in another circle in which I am involved. An issue concerning the difference between Heidegger's claims about the importance of language, versus another's claim that non-linguistic "information" like that which comes from the body's "knowing" had been raised. I suggested that Heidegger might mean something other than "verbal" when he refers to language. But then I began seeing for myself other possibilities here, and realized once again that as usual I have no idea what I'm talking about. So I thought I would ask straight up about what Heideggerians mean by "Language". Michael Staples --- from list ---
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