Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 14:29:30 -0400 Subject: Re: Language? Message text written by INTERNET:heidegger-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU >Henk van Tuijl wrote: > Michael Staples wrote: > What do Heideggerians mean by "Language"? Michael Eldred once said to me that it was a cardinal error to confuse 'logos' with 'language'. I assumed he meant something like, while logos concerns the opening and the gathering, language trades upon it. But this is like saying that language and universality are different because as every word is universal in form then universality is presupposed in order for language to take place. But universality is instituted by language. And so it would seem is the ontological difference. Surely there could not even be Sein (the infinitive 'to be') without language. Daniel --- from list ---
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