File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9805, message 41

Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 16:34:29 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Language?

Dear Henry,

I was hoping that you and Henk would wiegh in on this, Micheal and I have
been having some discussion that led up to his question. I think we're
trying to clarify what heidegger means by language, a hermenuetics of
language so to speak. Do we need to distinguish between the language of
the everyday and the language of philosophical discourse? Between language
on an ontic and ontological level? or language as lived and language as
used theoretically? Is there a difference in the language which forms the
text of the hermenuetic analysis and the language of the praxis of

What I find interesting about the first of the two basic tenets is that
"Language is the house of Being" is quite a poetic statement in itself.

Which works of Heidegger's would offer the strongest arguement for these

What I find interesting about the second tenet "Language comes from Poetry"
is the possibility for a self-contradiction in the commonly held view of
heidegger that language is everything. we've had some discussion about this
with me suggesting that something is prior to language and I'll sieze on
this statement in support of my position. But I do this with the sincere
desire to make sense out of it all and not to prove my point.

thanks again,

Greg Borgerson

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