File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9805, message 42

Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 11:07:28 +0200
Subject: Re: Language?

Henry Sholar wrote:
Michael S and Henk v T, I'd love to hear your impressions of these two
basic tenets re: language? 1) Language is the house of Being. 2)Poetry
does not come from language, language comes from poetry.

Once the gods lived on the Olympos. All the other gods went in and out
but Hestia, the goddess of the fireplace, remained at home as a pivotal

The fireplace is the centre of the house on the Olympos, and in the same
way Being is the centre of being(s). The house of Being is language.
Therein man dwells (alone, since the gods have left him). As a thinker
and one who creates with words, man is the guardian of the house. 

Hoelderlin believed that man dwells poetically, i.e. that he not only
guards but also builds his dwelling place - the house of Being - by
poetizing (poetizing _is_ building). And therefore it can be said that
language comes from (is the product of) poetry.

Kindest regards,

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