Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 12:00:59 -0700 Subject: Re: Language? Christopher Honey wrote: > I don't think music can be language in the sense we're talking about > here, because it lacks the direct symbolic aspect. There is no > agreed upon system of signs and signifiers. I'm not talking about > notes on a sheet, but performed music does not match the definition > of language as a symbolic system of signs. > Christopher, I think I must have missed something. What is the "sense we're talking about" with respect to language? It seems that you are talking about a system of signs and signifiers. Is that what you are referring to? And if so, is that something we can all agree upon...i.e., that language is a system of signs and signifiers? Is that what Heideggerians mean by language? Michael Staples --- from list ---
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