File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9805, message 60

Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 15:38:09 -0700
From: RTG <>
Subject: Re: Language?

>can music be poetry?

hi henry.  well let's see.  what comes to mind is what this acquaintance of
mine told me the other day.  he happens to be a fundamentalist christian.
he said that one of his missions in life is to spread the word about "new
age" music being the work of the devil.  i asked him what he meant.  he
asked me to hear a sample that he happened to have.

[aside:  i find this very funny because i don't hang w/ these types but i
happened to be on a business trip.]

anyway so we are in his car on our way back from lunch.  he plops in some
tape his church is producing.  they use an example of music that is very
"moving."  i mean extraordinarily moving.  you must get that i have a zen
type background so i'm fairly proficient at quieting my mind.  so i notice
what i already knew.  this piece of music carries me away into what might
be called a different state of being.

my point is that music (rhythm/melody/harmony as salient characteristics)
certainly is very poetic in my estimation.  maybe even more poetic than
conventional poetry. (did robert m mention this?)

i would like your take on my assertion that language is "that" which grants
*access* to being in the world.  remember, i'm an "in the raw"
heideggerian.  i'd like to hear what your take is hen.  you've been so, how
shall i say, reserved as of late.

Robert T. Guevara   |
Electrical Engineer |
Camarillo CA, USA   |

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