Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 18:32:18 -0700 Subject: Re: Language? >The notes on the page signify certain sounds. But the sounds do not >necessarily refer to any specific thing. A b-flat note played >on a violin (I don't know anything about violins or b-flats, but >bear with me) doesn't "mean" anything. However much e.e. cummings >(or Pynchon, Simic, etc.) plays with the language, he is merely >stretching the boundaries of the system, not working outside it. I >think. > >Christopher Honey so h says something like: (paraphrase) when man is drawn into what withdraws, he is a pointer. pointing to what withdraws. in that drawing we are a sign. but we are pointing toward what remains uncomprehended. we are an uninterpreted sign. christopher. am i language? i get that h is talking about "the nothing" calling on me once i am complete. yet there is no meaning in this signifier called "me." *and* there is no meaning in what withdraws. it IS emtpy of meaning. yet i am a signifier. i am a sign. am i merely stretching the boundaries of the system? does H himself merely stretch the bounderies of the system with his "invented" language. christopher. what is "the system?" Robert T. Guevara | Electrical Engineer | Camarillo CA, USA | --- from list ---
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