File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9805, message 69

Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 08:42:16 +0000
Subject: Re: poetry, language and music

         Reply to:   Re: poetry, language and music
In the Symposium, Diotoma is also thinking about the ambiguity of poiesis, which she suggests is analogous to the ambiguity of  of Eros.  In contemporary idiom, we could say there is eros and there is EROS, EROS being what all those other pale imitations mean(intend?) to be, but then miss the mark.  And then to poiesis:

"You know that making ( poiesis) is something manifold: for surely the cause of passing from not being into being for anything whatever is all a making, so that the practitioners of them are all  makers ( poietai)

" But nevertheless, you know that they are not called makers (poietai) but have other names, while from all making one single part has been subtracted, that concerned with music and meter, and given the name of the whole.  For this alone is called poetry(poiesis), and those who have this part of making are called poets ( poietai)."

Sounds very Heidegger to me!


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