File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9805, message 84

Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 20:17:57 -0700
Subject: Re: Language? -apologies to Henry

Dear All,

I'm want to publicly apologize to Henry.  i've learned much from him and i
respect him tremendously.  the execution of my project leaves me with
little free time to loiter in study.  Henry is correct in pointing out my
lack of structure.  a couple of things.  i've got a decent memory and i
normally can paraphrase from recall, so i do.  i do think that it is a good
litmus test for understanding to speak naturally, in anycase.

i also think that i'm staying within the context of de-construction and the
end of metaphysics, henry -- by and large.

also since i don't have but a quick and dirty scan thru H, i lack the
"formal" presentation that Henry is used to.  which also leads to the use
of metaphor and simile as Henry charges.  but more importantly such
expression allow me to "name" that which is "new" to me.  writing truly is
thought as praxis for me (mostly).  i just write.  so that further explains
my sloppy presentation.

i request that everyone have a little patience with the rough and tumble
way about me.

my very best wishes to all--

Robert T. Guevara   |
Electrical Engineer |
Camarillo CA, USA   |

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