File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1998/heidegger.9811, message 2

Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 08:54:31 -0400
Subject: A minor question


   I was reading on page 148 in the Stambaugh translation of Being and
Time, and came across this passage "...(omitted to save bandwidth) .. This
leveling down of the primordial "as" of circumspect interpretation to the
as of the determination of objective presence is the specality of the
statement. Only in this way does it gain the possibility of a pointing
something out in a way that we sheerly look at it."

   My question is about "sheerly". What does Heidegger (or Stambaugh) mean
by "sheerly?" There seem to be a number of possibilities most of which
don't 'feel' right (possibly a bad criterion for me in my present
understanding of Heidegger).

Ed Wall

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