Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 10:19:23 +0900 Subject: Re: Lichtung > most philosophers took a distance from the "static" metaphysics by > Plato. Still, one is believing that behind our concrete reality > is a second reality. We cannot say much about this but sometimes we > get an inkling of it in what is called a "Lichtung des Seins". > Quite a few theologicians are happy with this kind of thinking > and see it as an experience(revelation) of transcendence. > Still, Kuitert says, one stays in this way in the metaphysical > realm. > So, my question is: > is "Lichtung" still a kind of transcendence? Very impressive. "transcendence" means especially for Freud "retrospective". "Lichtung des Seins" is just "now", just this moment. --- from list ---
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